YAAP Round Table

25 Sep 2018 19:00 - 22:00
Restaurant “Gustl kocht”, Erdbergstraße 21, 1030 Vienna (subway U3 Rochusgasse) - Erdbergstraße 21
1030 Wien, Austria
Arbitration – does it need the inquisitorial approach? A controversial debate by Christoph Liebscher (Liebscher Dispute Management) and Niamh Leinwather (Freshfields)


Although the adversarial system is still predominant in arbitration, those advocating for a more inquisitorial style are increasingly gaining support. Also in light of the “Prague Rules”, is there really a “better” approach considering the tension between the arbitral principles of party autonomy, efficiency and flexibility? You will hear the pros and cons in a lively debate between Christoph Liebscher and Niamh Leinwather.

Date: Tuesday, 25 September 2018, 7 p.m.

! NEW ! Venue: Restaurant “Gustl kocht”, Erdbergstraße 21, 1030 Vienna (subway U3 Rochusgasse)

As always, no need to register, we look forward to seeing you there!


All Dates

  • 25 Sep 2018 19:00 - 22:00