Dear Members of Arb|Aut,
We are delighted to announce the opening of the Early Bird registration for the Vienna Arbitration Days 2023! This year’s topic is aiming at discussing the current arbitration landscape from the user’s perspective:
It takes two to waltz – is international arbitration
out of step with its users?
The Vienna Arbitration Days 2023 will take place from
12 – 13 May 2023
at Palais Niederösterreich
Herrengasse 13, 1010 Vienna
Use this opportunity to be updated by many renowned experts and to network, discuss problems and exchange ideas. The optional social program will include a gala dinner with DJ and dance on Friday, and an exclusive Belvedere Tour on Saturday!
A special rate is offered for Arb|Aut and YAAP members! Please also take advantage of the Early Bird discount that applies for all registrations which are followed by payment of the registration fee by 13 April 2023.
Please register here.
Visit the conference website for more information.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Vienna Arbitration Days 2023!
Best regards,
Stefan Riegler and Philipp Peters for Arb|Aut
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