Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Let us invite you to join us
today, at 17:30h CET
(until 18:20h CET, i.e. 50 minutes of information)
for our Virtual YAAP Round Table - White Collar Crime & Arbitration to gain insights on how white-collar crime impacts our arbitration practice. Oliver Loksa (Hausmaninger Kletter) and Laura Nienaber (White & Case), we are looking forward to our discussion!
All the best and see you shortly,
Christian & Lisa
Österreichische Vereinigung für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
Sterngasse 13
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 534 80 – 374
Fax: +43 1 534 80 - 8
e-mail: info@yaap.at