Dear Members and Friends,
We hope you are all well and enjoy the spring! We would be happy to see many of you at one of our upcoming events. In particular, save the date for the Arbitration Summer Retreat, which will take place from 14-16 July 2022 in beautiful Italy. The topic: Leadership. Registration will open soon! Make sure to sign up quickly - places are limited this year!
UPCOMING: Co-Chairs' Circle (CCC) Global Conference "Legitimacy in and of Arbitration": Thursday, 2 June 2022 - Saturday, 4 June 2022
Only a few more days until the 4th Co-Chairs' Circle (CCC) Global Conference "Legitimacy in and of Arbitration" in Brussels. For the programme and further information, please visit the conference website.
CCC is an association of more than 40 young arbitration organisations from all over the world, co-founded by YAAP. The CCC Conference takes place every two years.
Date: Thursday, 2 June 2022 - Saturday, 4 June 2022
Venue: Brussels, Belgium
Registration: Register on the official
conference website.
UPCOMING: YAAP Roundtable - Boundaries of the review of court and administrative decisions in ISDS: Thursday, 23 June 2022
Mark your calendar! We look forward to having Sofia Kovacevic and Emmanuel Kaufman, Wolf Theiss, for the last roundtable before the summer break. The topic is review of administrative and court decisions in the realm of investment arbitration: deference and limitations. After the discussion, please join us for some drinks outside (if weather permits)! We would love to see many of you there before the summer break!
Date: Thursday, 23 June 2022, 7 pm
Venue: Café Korb, Brandstätte 7/9, 1010 Vienna
Registration: Please RSVP on the
YAAP website.
SAVE THE DATE: ASAB40 / DIS40 / ARBIT / YAAP Arbitration Summer Retreat: Thursday, 14 July 2022 - Saturday, 16 July 2022, Italy
The wait is over! After a two-years break, the arbitration summer retreat is back! Join us for the 2022 edition - this year in beautiful Italy! The topic: Leadership. Registration will open soon. Further details including the final programme will follow.
Date: Thursday, 14 July 2022 - Saturday, 16 July 2022
Venue: Beautiful Italy
Registration: Will open soon (
Best regards,
Anna & Ulrich
P.S.: Follow us on
Past events:
REVIEW: YAAP Roundtable: Let’s talk about money, 11 May 2022: Michael Komuczky (attorney at law, MK Legal) and
Maximilian Rieder (founder of RISULT Unternehmensberatung) explored various problems of dealing with financial constraints of parties during arbitral proceedings. Maximilian discussed the potential negative impact of arbitration proceedings on small and medium-sized companies from a financial and business perspective. Michael covered the legal aspects of possible financial constraints of a party to an arbitration. As always, the presentation was accompanied and followed by drinks. It was great having you!