Dear YAAP Members and Friends,
We are happy to invite you to our upcoming YAAP Roundtables in April and May and to present some highlights of our past YAAP events during the Paris Arbitration Week and the Vis Moot.
We hope to see many of you at one of our YAAP Roundtables!
15 April 2024: YAAP Roundtable: “Your First Arbitration: Insights from an Arbitrator and the Role of the Tribunal Secretary”
We are happy to invite you to our next Roundtable, where
Peter Rižnik, Arbitrator in Independent Practice at Rižnik Disputes (Vienna), will discuss the topic “Your First Arbitration: Insights from an Arbitrator and the Role of the Tribunal Secretary”. Peter will share his insights as arbitrator, guiding us through an arbitration from your appointment until the rendering of the final award, providing valuable tips on how to make sure the proceedings stay on track. In particular, Peter will discuss issues like Procedural Order No 1 and its main components, case management conferences, hearings and award drafting. Peter will also provide tips for acting as tribunal secretaries and we will examine their roles for each of these procedural steps.
Date: Monday, 15 April 2024, 7 pm
Venue: Café Korb, Brandstätte 7/9, 1010 Wien
Registration: Please RSVP on the
YAAP Website
8 May 2024: YAAP Roundtable: “Confidentiality in International Arbitration: Implications of the Austrian Freedom Information Act”
Save the date for our Roundtable in May, where
Sophie Wotschke and
Benjamin Weber of Knoetzl (Vienna) will discuss the topic of “Confidentiality in International Arbitration: Implications of the Austrian Freedom of Information Act.” Sophie and Benjamin will present the legal framework of confidentiality under the Austrian
lex arbitri as well as the VIAC- and ICC-Rules. They will also talk about the possible implications of the new Austrian Freedom of Information Act on arbitration proceedings.
Date: Wednesday, 8 May 2024, 7 pm
Venue: Café Korb, Brandstätte 7/9, 1010 Wien
Registration: Registration on the YAAP Website will be activated soon
23 March 2024: ICC YAAF & YAAP Conference: Young Approaches to Arbitration
We are happy to report the success of the “ICC YAAF & YAAP: Young Approaches to Arbitration” conference, which spotlighted the intricate art of cross-examination and offered deep dives into its psychology and effective questioning techniques crucial for arbitration. Helmut Ortner
(Paragon Advocacy, Vienna) held an inspiring keynote speech, which was followed by a thought-provoking discussion between our moderator Stephanie
Rohmann (Baker McKenzie, Vienna) and our panelists Marlene Ella Sauer (Busse Disputes, Frankfurt), Matteo Angelini (WilmerHale, London), Mélanie Riofrio Piché (Riofrio-IDR, Madrid) and Petra Pataki (Queritius, Budapest). A big thanks to our YAAP Advisory Board Members Sonja Otenhajmer and Stephanie Rohmann who organised the event together with Tamara Manasijević from ICC YAAF!
23 March 2024: HK45 & YAAP Cocktail Reception
This year we had the opportunity to host the very first HK45 & YAAP cocktail reception during the Vis Moot at Bar Hannelore in Vienna. We were delighted to welcome many old and new friends at the cocktail reception. Special thanks to Florian Stefan (Vavrovsky Heine Marth Rechtsanwälte, Vienna) for his support with the organisation!
20 March 2024: PAW Young Arbitration Organisations Event
This year, YAAP had the privilege of co-hosting the below40 panel discussion entitled "Arbitration, Parallel Proceedings and Conflicts of Decisions: A Comparative Perspective" as part of the Paris Arbitration Week. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants for their invaluable contributions, making the event a resounding success.

Best regards,
Yoanna & Markus (YAAP Co-Chairs)
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