Dear YAAP Members and Friends,
Hoping you have all had a great summer, we are back next week with our next
YAAP Roundtable, looking forward to seeing you all again this coming Thursday, 12 September 2024, 7 pm, at our usual spot,
Café Korb!
YAAP Roundtable – "Future Flashpoints - Economic Sanctions and Emerging Disputes in International Investment Arbitration"
Join us for our next YAAP Roundtable with Julia Hildebrandt, Associate at Baker McKenzie (Vienna), who will discuss economic sanctions and emerging disputes in international investment arbitration. In August 2024, two significant investment arbitrations were initiated, both revolving around the contentious issue of economic sanctions. As global tensions rise and sanctions become an increasingly common tool of international policy, the potential for future disputes looms large. Join us as we delve into these emerging flashpoints, exploring the implications of economic sanctions on international investment arbitration.
Date: Thursday, 12 September 2024, 7 pm
Venue: Café Korb, Brandstätte 7/9, 1010 Wien
Registration: Please
RSVP on the
YAAP Website
10 October 2024: YAAP Roundtable with David Coyne and Philip Exenberger on "Construction Arbitration in Europe"
More information to follow in our next newsletter.
7 November 2024: YAAP Roundtable with Lukas Wedl on the implications of the "Swarovski decision"
More information to follow in our next newsletter
5. December 2024: YAAP Roundtable with Stefan Dobrijevic on the Skating Union decision
More information to follow in our next newsletter.
9-10 May 2025: Vienna Arbitration Days – Save the Date!
Please save the date for next year’s edition of the Vienna Arbitration Days, Austria’s prime arbitration conference where practitioners, users, and scholars meet to connect and discuss important topics of our field.
11-12 July 2025: Summer Retreat – Save the Date!
Please save the date for next year’s edition of the Summer Retreat, location to be announced in due course.
11-13 July 2024: 6th Arbitration Summer Retreat – YOU
The 6th Arbitration Summer Retreat, held from 11-13 July 2024 in Hamburg, Germany, was a great success. This year's theme, "YOU", offered a unique experience focused on personal branding and professional growth. The retreat brought together a diverse group of arbitration practitioners under 40, including lawyers, arbitrators, in-house counsel, and academics from around the world.

The retreat featured interactive workshops covering various aspects of personal branding and professional development with Esther Stanhope, "The Impact Guru", sharing practical tips to increase visibility in the legal field, Bibi Badejo offering strategies for projecting confidence during arbitration proceedings, Gisela Knuts providing insights on building a successful career in arbitration, and Natasha Willicombe as well as Nick M. Child teaching effective networking techniques for the arbitration community.

Further highlights included the welcome reception hosted by Clyde & Co and DIS40, the rotating workshop sessions, giving practical tools for personal branding and career growth, and Simone Dorenburg’s "Your Voice Matters!" voice training, teaching participants how to use their voices effectively in professional settings.

The peaceful setting of Waldhaus Reinbek, near the Sachsenwald Forest, was perfect for networking. Attendees had plenty of chances to make new connections and strengthen existing ones.
21 June 2024: 3rd Innsbruck Arbitration Day
YAAP had the pleasure of co-organizing the 3rd Innsbruck Arbitration Day in the beautiful Alps. The event featured leading experts delving into the strategic advantages of arbitration, with a focus on construction and corporate disputes, while also providing a critical analysis of recent case law, including the pivotal “Swarovski decision”.

Noteworthy takeaways emphasized the crucial importance of well-drafted arbitration clauses, the role of comprehensive legal risk analysis, and the particular benefits arbitration offers to family businesses. Our sincere gratitude goes out to all the esteemed speakers, participants, and co-organizers for their invaluable contribution.
7-8 June 2024: Vienna Arbitration Days 2024
Another recent highlight for us were the Vienna Arbitration Days 2024, as always held in the impressive venue of Palais Niederösterreich.

The panels discussed the latest trends and innovations in the field of international arbitration, focusing on the multi-faceted impacts of ESG, human rights, sustainability, supply chain management, sanctions, and AI on our profession and the international dispute resolution community at large.

As YAAP, we had the pleasure of contributing to the organisation of the conference and opening the first panel.
8 May 2024: YAAP Roundtable – "Confidentiality in International Arbitration: Implications of the Austrian Freedom of Information Act"
Sophie Wotschke and Benjamin Weber, Associates at KNOETZL (Vienna), presented the topic of confidentiality in international arbitration against the background of the recently adopted Austrian Freedom of Information Act which led to a lively discussion among the participants.
Please share your initiatives and ideas for future events with us!
Best regards,
Yoanna & Markus (YAAP Co-Chairs)
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