TODAY | Arb|Aut Online Forum

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Dear Members,

join us in today from 4:30 p.m. to 06:00 p.m. for our online Arb|Aut Forum.

Faires Verfahren und Online Arbitration
The current lockdown has a strong impact on the established practice of international arbitration: Counsel cannot personally meet their clients, oral hearings can only be conducted through online tools and experts may be prevented from carrying out inspections and investigations.
A panel of distinguished arbitration specialists will explore the challenges posed by online arbitration in regard to the right to be heard and due process. The discussion will be animated by the following discussants:
Katharina Auernig (Higher Regional Court, Vienna)
Daniel Girsberger (University of Lucerne, Wenger Vieli, Lucerne)
Helmut Ortner (Wilmer Hale, London)
Florian Haugeneder (KNOETZL)

Please join us on
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
From 4:30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
via the following link:

Participants may join the discussion via the videoconferencing tool or may pose questions using the chat function.
Please note that this event will be held in German. Participants may, however, pose questions or make contributions in the English language. To register for the event, please follow this link.

Kind regards,

Florian Haugeneder
(Arb|Aut President)
Österreichische Vereinigung für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit 
Herrengasse 1-3
A-1010 Vienna, Austria 
Tel: +43 1 34 34 000
Fax: +43 1 34 34 000 999

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