Reminder: Today 5pm - YAAP Webinar

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Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This is a friendly reminder for our YAAP Webinar today, at 5pm CEST:

“The impact of COVID-19-pandemic on arbitral decision making - force majeure, conflict of laws and beyond“

The event will be transmitted via Zoom: Later today (this 17 June, 5 pm CEST), join us via the following link:

Helmut Ortner (Wilmer Hale), Alicja Zielinska-Eisen (Humboldt University Berlin/Linklaters) and Dirk Wiegandt (Hanefeld) will discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic - and regulations enacted in response - on decision-making by arbitral tribunals. Moderated by Christian Koller (University of Innsbruck), this webinar will focus on questions of substantive law, rather than the procedural issues of virtual arbitration hearings. Helmut, Alicja and Dirk will look at the topic from various angles, taking the perspectives of comparative law ("force majeur" and related concepts, under both civil and common law), conflict of laws (which of the different substantive concepts will an arbitral tribunal apply; which national COVID-19-legislation will be given effect as overriding mandatory rules?) and international principles and rules (what is the UNIDROIT principles' or the CISG's take on "force majeur"?).

Presentations will be followed by a general discussion and Q&A.

Date: Today, 17 June 2020, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm CEST

As a matter of housekeeping, when joining and during the presentations please mute your microphone and turn off your video. We look forward to seeing your faces during the discussion and Q&A session :-)

All the best and see you online shortly,
Christian & Lisa

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