
English Publications

  •  Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration

The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration is a collection of articles on current issues in the area of commercial and investment arbitration. All contributions are of relevance to academics and practitioners in the field. This is also reflected by the selection of authors. The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration is published annually since 2007.

For more information, see

  •  Commentaries on the Austrian Arbitration Act and the Vienna Rules

Zeiler (ed.), Austrian Arbitration Law, NWV Verlag (2016)

VIAC, Handbook Vienna Rules – A Practicioner’s Guide (2015)

VIAC, Selected Arbitral Awards, Volume 1 (2015)

Heider, Nueber, Schuhmacher, Siwy and Zeiler, Dispute Resolution in Austria: An Introduction, Kluwer Law International (2015)

Riegler and Koller, Austria, in Loukas Mistelis, Laurence Shore and Hans Smit (eds), World Arbitration Reporter, Juris Publishing, 2nd ed. (2010)

Schwarz and Konrad, The Vienna Rules - A Commentary on International Arbitration in Austria, Kluwer Law International (2009)

Riegler, Petsche, Fremuth-Wolf, Platte and Liebscher, Arbitration Law of Austria: Practice and Procedure, Juris Publishing (2008)

Liebscher, The Austrian Arbitration Act 2006 - texts and notes [English, Russkij, Français, Deutsch], Kluwer Law International (2006)

Power, The Austrian Arbitration Act – A Practitioner’s Guide to Sections 577-618 of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure, Manz Verlag (2006)

German Publications

  •  Commentaries on the Austrian Arbitration Act and the Vienna Rules

Rechberger/Melis, §§ 577 ff ZPO in Rechberger (ed), Kommentar zur ZPO, 4th ed, Verlag Österreich (2014)

Zeiler, Schiedsverfahren, 2nd ed, NWV Verlag (2014)

Internationales Schiedsgericht der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Handbuch Wiener Regeln – Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis (2013)

Liebscher, Oberhammer and Rechberger (ed), Schiedsverfahrensrecht: Band I, Springer Verlag (2011)

Hausmaninger, §§ 577 ff in Fasching/Konecny, Kommentar zu den Zivilprozessgesetzen, 2nd ed, Manz (2007)

Riegler, Petsche, Fremuth-Wolf, Platte and Liebscher: Arbitration Law of Austria: Practice and Procedure – Kommentar zum neuen SchiedsRÄG 2006 samt Entscheidungssammlung, Verlag Juris (2007)

H. Torggler (ed), Praxishandbuch Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Verlag Nomos (2007)

Kloiber, Rechberger, Oberhammer and Haller, Das neue Schiedsrecht: Schiedsrechts-Änderungsgesetz 2006, Ecolex Spezial (2006)

Reiner, Das neue österreichische Schiedsrecht – SchiedsRÄG 2006, Lexis Nexis Verlag ARD Orac (2006)